Friday, June 29, 2012

My sick baby :(

This week has been a VERY rough week for us. Starting Monday morning-ish at 9am I got off work, when I get home I checked Lola's temp because she seemed a little warm.. It was about 99-100. I had found out that a baby in her class at the daycare ended up having the hand foot mouth I wasn't taking any chances with her having a fever I called up the ped and they wanted to see her right away. They saw no signs of the disease but did say that she had a head cold and if she was still running a fever or pulling at her ears by Thurs or Friday to take her back. Tuesday I stayed home with her but the fever stayed to a minimum like 99-ish. Come Wednesday I went ahead and went back to work and took Lola. Right before I was due to get off work they came in and told me her fever was at 100.4. We get home and it shot up to 101. I gave her tylenol and did everything I could to make her comfy. That night she didn't sleep AT ALL! Thursday came I couldn't go into work because I have no one here to take care of Lola and she was still running a fever.. By 2pm it got up to 102 and I called the doctor and they wanted her to come back. Took her in she had a 101.8 fever and has fluid behind both ears and a ton of congestion. I am thinking great we finally get to give her some meds to hopefully limit her uncomfortableness and fussiness. Last night was the first night she actually got a decent amount of sleep as well as me! Thank goodness!! The doctor said she will be running a fever still for a few days even on the meds so that means back to work Monday HORRAY!!! I honestly miss working. Sitting in this house is making me and Lola both go CRAZY!

Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Time..

Alright guys I am going to attempt to start up this blog again because I feel the need to start documenting Lola's life more and even make this into a book one day for her. With that said I will start by getting you up to date on our family...

Lola is now 7 months old as of today. Where has the time gone? I feel like it was just yesterday that I felt her kick for the first time in my belly... She amazes me everyday. About a week ago she started to army crawl and now she is getting on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth!

Lance well...he is Lance.. keeping up with going to the gym everyday (never misses a beat) and he of course he is still workin away here in TX!

And me.. I got a job at A Child's Place here in TX and I work with the 8-18 month olds. I have 5 precious little babies. It was the perfect job for me because I needed to get out of the house and start working and I get to have Lola in the next room over so I can go in and visit her during my work day. I love it!

But we haven't gotten to do much as a family since we both work a lot but here pretty soon we are going to take a mini vacation to San Antonio and take Lola to Seaworld! Which will be much needed since daddy is going away for a few months..

So now that I have you somewhat up to date I will hopefully be able to keep up with blogging! I don't know if many of you read it but its mostly to keep our families in the loop being as we live a million miles away.. Hope you enjoy the adventure the military takes our family on!